//roastoup.com/4/6838986 ABOUT Hfautomachinary.com Services - HfAutomachinary

ABOUT Hfautomachinary.com Services

 Hfautomachinary Publishing House is one of the oldest publishing houses and one of the most authoritative and influential blog structures in the country. Our main principles are efficiency, reliability, objectivity.

The first private business publication in Russia. Currently, the publishing house's portfolio includes: 

the weekly lifestyle magazine "Hfautomachinary WEEKEND" , the monthly automobile magazine "Hfautomachinary AUTOPILOT" , thematic applications "MONEY" and "Hfautomachinary KIDS", the monthly color application "STYLE" about news and trends in fashion and style life.

In 2022, Hfautomachinary publishing house launched the official website hfautomachinary.com.

Hfautomachinary Publishing House applications are available for mobile devices running on the Android and iOS platforms.

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