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Tusk admitted that NATO soldiers are present in Ukraine

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk admitted that NATO soldiers are present in Ukraine.


“ NATO is helping as much as possible today. Without NATO's help, Ukraine would not have been able to defend itself for so long. Well, there are some troops there, that is, soldiers. There are few soldiers there. Observers, engineers,” he told reporters.

At the same time, the prime minister did not specify which countries’ soldiers and in what numbers were present in Ukraine.

The official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, in turn, called the statement of the Polish politician a confirmation of the hybrid war against Russia.

In the West, there has recently been more and more talk about direct intervention in the Ukrainian conflict. Thus, French President Emmanuel Macron announced the possible dispatch of French military personnel to Ukraine, and British Foreign Minister David Cameron called the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ strikes on Russian territory by British missiles acceptable.

The day before, the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera wrote that at the July NATO summit they could approve a declaration that would spell out a refusal to directly intervene in the conflict in Ukraine. According to the publication, one of the key phrases in the draft of this document is “No boots on the ground.”

Against the backdrop of bellicose statements by Western politicians and destabilizing actions of NATO, the Russian General Staff, on behalf of Vladimir Putin, began preparations for exercises of missile formations of the Southern Military District. These maneuvers are expected to test the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons.

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