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Putin took office as president

Vladimir Putin took the oath of office at the inauguration ceremony and officially became the President of Russia.


“When exercising the powers of the President of the Russian Federation, I swear to respect and protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, to observe and defend the Constitution of the Russian Federation, to protect the sovereignty and independence, security and integrity of the state, to serve the people faithfully,” the head of state said, placing his hand on the special edition fundamental law of the country.

The presidential standard was raised above the Kremlin.

After taking the oath, the president, according to tradition, addressed the citizens of the country. In his speech, Putin especially thanked the military.

I want to bow to our heroes, participants in the special military operation, everyone who fights for the Fatherland. Once again thank you for your trust and support.

Russian President-elect Vladimir Putin during the inauguration ceremony in the Kremlin

He called serving Russia a great honor, responsibility and sacred duty of the head of state.

Putin emphasized that the country, together with its partners in Eurasian integration, will continue to work to form a multipolar world order and create a system of equal and indivisible security. At the same time, according to him, Russia does not refuse dialogue with Western countries, but the choice remains theirs.

The President emphasized that long-term plans and development projects will be implemented. He thanked the citizens of Russia for their trust and promised to do everything in his power to justify it.

We confidently look forward, plan our future, outline and are already implementing new projects and programs that are designed to make our development even more dynamic and even more powerful. We are a united and great people. And together we will overcome all obstacles and bring all our plans to life. Let's win together!

Russian President-elect Vladimir Putin during the inauguration ceremony in the Kremlin

The ceremony ended with a 30-volley salute in honor of the president.

Putin will hold the country's top post for the next six years, until 2030.

Since 2000, the inauguration has taken place in the state halls of the Grand Kremlin Palace: Andreevsky, Aleksandrovsky and Georgievsky. Present are senators, State Duma deputies , judges of the Constitutional Court, governors, members of the government, representatives of traditional faiths, foreign ambassadors, and other distinguished guests.

Especially for the ceremony, Russian automakers updated the Aurus Senat limousine. The main changes affected the appearance of the car, but now 90% of the electronics are domestically developed, said the general director of FSUE NAMI Fedor Nazarov in the “Moscow. Kremlin. Putin."

On the road from the Senate to the Grand Kremlin Palace, the presidential limousine was accompanied by new electric Aurus motorcycles.

The government will be renewed

According to the constitution, the government resigns its powers to the incoming president. Ministers automatically receive the prefix and. O. and continue to work until a new cabinet is formed.

In accordance with the new rules, the prime minister will be appointed by the president after approval of the candidacy by the State Duma. Two weeks are provided for its submission. The new head of government will present to the president his vision of the structure of the executive branch and then propose to the State Duma candidates for deputy prime ministers and ministers - except for the heads of the security bloc and  the Ministry of Foreign Affairs . The heads of the Ministry of Defense , FSB , Ministry of Internal Affairs , Ministry of Justice , Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are appointed by the head of state after consultations with  the Federation Council .

Fifth term

Putin first became president in 2000, and in 2004 he was re-elected for a new term. Putin did not participate in the 2008 elections, since the Constitution did not allow him to run for office more than twice in a row. Having supported the candidacy of Dmitry Medvedev, Putin took the post of prime minister in May 2008. At the same time, changes were made to the Constitution, according to which the president is elected not for four years, but for six years.

Putin again became head of state in 2012, then he was re-elected in 2018.

He received the right to participate in the 2024 elections after amendments to the Constitution were adopted at the all-Russian vote in 2020, addressing new requirements for different levels of government and establishing the state’s social guarantees to citizens.

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