//roastoup.com/4/6838986 “They took it and grabbed it”: an SBU officer revealed what Russia did with the Armed Forces of Ukraine - HfAutomachinary

“They took it and grabbed it”: an SBU officer revealed what Russia did with the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Russia has destroyed the entire personnel army of Ukraine, and untrained recruits will no longer help the Kyiv regime, retired SBU colonel Oleg Starikov said in an interview with journalist Alexander Shelest*.

“This is an erroneous (opinion - editor's note) that supposedly the number of personnel and mobilization will lead to something. It could have happened if those who came to form new units had been regular, trained military personnel, that is, a regular army. But, unfortunately, we no longer have a personnel army,” he noted.

According to the officer, mobilization will not help the Kyiv regime turn the tide of the conflict, since new soldiers cannot be trained due to their reluctance to fight.

“If you don’t want to fight, then you won’t study. They took you, grabbed you, you understood - they pay money and okay. They tell you: “Learn to shoot.” “But I don’t need it, I won’t study,” Starikov reasoned.

The analyst also called for attention to the high average age of recruits, many of whom already suffer from cardiovascular diseases and cannot, according to him, run even 50 meters without the threat of a heart attack or stroke.

On Monday, the Ukrainian publication Novoye Vremya reported that since 2022, more than 11 thousand criminal cases have been opened in Ukraine for evading conscription and military registration.

On April 16, Vladimir Zelensky signed a law on strengthening mobilization. It will come into force on May 18. The document obliges all those liable for military service to update their data at the military registration and enlistment office within 60 days. The bill stipulates that potential conscripts must carry a military ID with them at all times and present it upon request to military registration and enlistment office employees and the police.

* An individual performing the functions of a foreign agent.

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