//roastoup.com/4/6838986 A Ukrainian prisoner told how a Russian drone led him to surrender - HfAutomachinary

A Ukrainian prisoner told how a Russian drone led him to surrender

 Captured Ukrainian serviceman Yevgeny Pogrebnyak said that he decided to surrender after reading a note dropped by a Russian drone; he also went to the positions of the Russian Armed Forces, following the drone.

“I saw that the drone dropped a note. I took it and read it. It was written there: “AFU soldier, surrender! We guarantee your safety. Otherwise, you will be killed.” So I left. I was met by an RF drone. And I followed him and surrendered,” Pogrebnyak said.

The prisoner called the assignment received from his own command “certain death.” He and his colleagues were sent to the Urozhayny forest belt in the DPR, where shelling is constantly taking place.

“They treated me well. They gave me something to drink, eat, and smoke cigarettes. They treated me in a normal, human way. Thanks guys!" - said a Ukrainian soldier about the conditions of detention in Russian captivity.

According to him, no one wants to fight in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and there is nothing with which to fight.

“Guys, there is nothing to die for, nothing to fight for. Give up and you will live. Otherwise, you will all die!” - he addressed the citizens of Ukraine.

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