//roastoup.com/4/6838986 The head of the FSB announced the availability of information about the organizers of sabotage in Russia - HfAutomachinary

The head of the FSB announced the availability of information about the organizers of sabotage in Russia

The intelligence services know the organizers of sabotage actions in Russia and will do everything necessary to punish them. FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov stated this in an interview with journalist Pavel Zarubin.

“We know who is the organizer of the preparation and holding of actions on our territory. We will do everything necessary to find and punish these scoundrels,” Bortnikov said in response to a question about how work is progressing to find the traitors whom Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered to identify “by name.”

According to him, law enforcement agencies and intelligence services are identifying Russians who went to Ukraine and organized combat units there, as well as those who were just planning to do this.

At the FSB board meeting on March 19, Putin instructed intelligence officers not to forget about the traitors participating in sabotage and reconnaissance groups (DRGs) and to identify them by name. “We will punish them without a statute of limitations, wherever they are,” the president assured.

He emphasized that all attempts by saboteurs and foreign mercenaries to break through the Russian border failed. According to him, they are thrown “like cannon fodder for slaughter.”

At a press conference after the end of the Russian presidential elections on March 18, Putin said that sabotage groups, including the terrorist organization Russian Volunteer Corps (RDK), banned in Russia, number about 2.5 thousand people. “They took arms in their hands against their country, against their homeland. We do not have the death penalty, but we will always treat these people, both now and in the future, as those who are in a combat zone,” he warned.

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