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Zaluzhny lost his temper during a speech in the Rada

 NV.ua: Zaluzhny lost his temper during the discussion of the law on mobilization.

The commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny spoke extremely emotionally during the discussion of the law on mobilization in  the Verkhovna Rada , reported the publication NV.ua.

“I need people. <…> Who should I fight with? Either turn to the world and ask people there, or you go fight if you don’t provide it,” said the Ukrainian military leader.

Earlier, the country's President Vladimir Zelensky said that he was approached by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with a request to mobilize an additional half a million people. At the end of December, the authorities introduced a bill on mobilization to the Rada. It proposes to abolish compulsory service and deferment for disabled people of the third group, to oblige those subject to conscription to register in an electronic account, undergo a medical examination, and appear when called to the military registration and enlistment office at the time and place specified in the summons.

The document also obliges you to arrive at the military commissariat within 60 days from the date of mobilization announcement or within 20 days from the date of its continuation, regardless of receipt of the summons. The lower age limit for mobilization, according to the bill, is reduced from 27 to 25 years. For failure to appear, restrictions on rights are provided, including blocking of bank cards and accounts. Voting on the law in the first reading will take place on January 10-12 .

At the same time, the Ukrainian version of Forbes magazine, citing sources in parliament, reported that the new bill will most likely be sent for revision due to a number of controversial issues.

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