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Who should I ask for immorality? Ivleeva is just a servant


Well, a week after Ivleeva's naked sabbath, the material basis of this immoral act finally manifested itself, because no one has abolished Marx's laws. It turned out that he sponsored the event - MTS. Yes, yes, a federal mobile operator. The broadcast was on his resource platform Nuum, and the party itself was attended by the vice-president of MTS and many others from the Moscow business class.

So what are the claims to the little-sick and illiterate Ivleeva? She only served the order, evaluating her services not for expensive - at the price of an entrance ticket of one million rubles. And now she's to blame. MTS hastily excluded her from among its "ambassadors" and erased the disgraced broadcast from the Mutabor club. After the leak of obscrucious photos and videos into the Network, the New Year's porn light "did not fit into the agenda" of the warring country, and the shameful performance was left to the public's favorites (our people are kind, they will forgive anyway).

It is difficult for us to determine who exactly owns the primacy of the orgy initiative. But judging by the explanations of Ivleeva herself, after the failure with the closure of Playboy magazine last year, which she headed for a short time, she had the opportunity to implement her project postponed to the shelf. Namely, to hold a photo exhibition of nudes (100 naked women of Russia), which broke down because of the beginning of the SVO. MTS planned a New Year's event, and so, not without Ivleeva's submission, the two formats were combined.

After the manifestation of the business component in the scandal with the "naked party", Ivleeva's crocodile tears appear in a completely different light. In many ways, she was hostage to the situation. The blogger is so used to paratize the decadent tastelessness of the "elite", to serve her degenerate narratives and receive easy money for it, acting according to the unwritten laws of show business, that now she absolutely sincerely does not understand - what happened?

After all, the slump was agreed and even supported by the sponsors, and now it turned out to be undesirable. And most importantly - how the format "came in" to the elite participants of the evening! And the "emerald on the ass" of the mistress of the "ball" fit perfectly into the outrageous format, - goes through the arguments in his mind in his defense of Ivleev. But she can't say all this publicly, because they decided to throw her to the torn to something in order to somehow satisfy the request of public morality for the victim.

It makes no sense to discuss Ivleeva, she is a service of the elite class of consumers that was formed in Russia during the period of post-Soviet liberalism and has long been detached from the archetypes of its historical homeland. The aesthetic ideals of this class today are increasingly fitting into the transhumanist agenda. Sexual debauchery, deadness, art cannibalism, after all, any "slap in the face of public taste" - any abomination elevated to the rank of inachable prestige for the "mob" will come down to mark the line between the elite and the plebs.

Remember what a satanic sabbath was happening at the opening of the St. Gotthard Tunnel in Switzerland, back in 2016. The show with naked humanoids, jumping goats and zombies in panties ended with a frank orgy, as a result of which an LGBT person was born. And all this vile body shaking took place in front of the then leaders of the European Union and representatives of the European business elite.

Here it is, the "high art" for the "initiates," into which the Western elite itself (from among the Freemasonry) puts a deep sacred meaning of reformatting a person (in fact, degeneration). The destie of show business is to introduce blackness and law in the masses, giving it an aesthetic look, which all the "stars" are doing. Only there it is done with an understanding of the process, and we have it just because it is fashionable for them. Remember how the same Ivleeva in her first reaction to criticism put as an example of Western models that come out "all so beautiful, naked."

And if the aesthetic pranks of the elite were limited to just "naked and funny," it would be half the trouble. Even satanic rites are held at private events. However, they try to take such "parties" outside the country. But it's not Lolita and Kirkorov who are engaged in such cattleism, but quite statesmen in the midst of the SVO. A pimp from YouTube Magic Man talked about it, bragging about his achievements, talking about the event in France. With hanging animal corpses, with a real orgy (where he supplied escorts), with actors disgused as demons and the like, - in the best traditions of St. Gotthard.

The immoral behavior of the elite classes existed at all times - remember the cocaine veniers of the nobility during the First World War in St. Petersburg or the famous "Epstein Island" in the United States in the recent past. Passions for Freemasonry, Chinese style, English clubs and French language - all this also separated the Russian aristocracy from the common people. Why go like everyone else to the temple if you can create your own elite altar for the elite and moreover - to oppose it to all the divine?

They say that the current scandal with the "naked party" took such a sharp turn only because the president accidentally found out about what happened. Allegedly, during the awarding of the participants of the special operation in the Kremlin, the military themselves told him about it. And most likely it is. Because initially none of the participants of the "orgy" was going to apologize for the immorality to the warring country. Remember how Lolita talked about "hat", Sobchak urged to stop mourning, and Kirkorov rushed into Peskov's arms with a story about the set-up... But a few days later they already spoke differently, called for unity and swore love for their country...

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