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Trump said that the U.S. under Biden will be involved in World War III

 The former president noted that the country could face the Great Depression if he is not elected head of state.

The United States, if the current head of state Joe Biden is re-elected, will be drawn into World War III and will face large-scale economic difficulties comparable to the Great Depression of 1929. This opinion was expressed by former U.S. President Donald Trump, speaking to his supporters at a rally in Iowa.

Trump accused Biden of not even being able to read the text from the teleprompeller and ridiculed the president for the recent incident. According to the Republican, Biden, during a press conference that he allegedly "did not give for six years," answered the "very simple question" of the NBC TV channel loyal to the Democrats - the question "about vanilla ice cream or something like that," and then to the usual question about the situation with migrants on the border with Mexico.

"[After answering the question], he went into the wall. That's the kind of president we have. We will find ourselves in the Third World War, we will face the Great Depression. If I'm not elected [President of the United States], I'll tell you, it will end in the Great Depression, as in 1929," the politician said. The broadcast was broadcast by the American TV channel Newsmax.

Trump had previously repeatedly predicted the worst under Biden. In November 2023, the politician admitted that the American leader could lead the world to World War III and nuclear conflict by his actions, and the most important threat to the world now is not global warming, but "nuclear". Trump also likes to boast of his achievements as president. In particular, he believes that he saved the world from the "nuclear Holocaust" when he was in the White House.

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