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The US and Britain launched new strikes on Yemen, the source said

The American and British military carried out new airstrikes on Houthi positions in the Yemeni province of Al-Bayda, a source in local authorities told RIA Novosti.


“The US and UK carried out strikes on Tuesday on barracks in Al-Bayda province, southeast of the Yemeni capital Sanaa. American and British planes bombed objects of the Ansar Allah group in the military camp of the Mukaira district, on the territory of the At-Taffa fortress and objects in the As-Sawmaa district,” the agency’s interlocutor specified.

Washington and London carried out the raid a day after the Houthis announced a missile attack on a US ship in the Gulf of Aden.

Strikes in Yemen

In mid-November, the Shiite militia Ansar Allah (Houthis), which rules northern Yemen, began attacking Israeli-linked ships in the Red Sea in a show of support for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, causing shipping traffic through the Suez Canal to plummet.

The United States, in turn, announced the launch of an operation to protect shipping together with ten other countries. Ansar Allah warned that they reserve the right to attack ships of members of this coalition. There have been several clashes at sea between the Houthis and the US military.

On Friday night, the US and UK launched an operation against the Ansar Allah movement, carrying out airstrikes on targets in four provinces of Yemen. US President Joe Biden called it a response to the threat to freedom of navigation, without ruling out the possibility of continuing military action.

The Houthis say they were able to sink a US warship in the Red Sea as a result of a retaliatory missile attack.

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