//roastoup.com/4/6838986 The Investigative Committee opened a case of negligence after the collapse of part of a house in Rostov-on-Don - HfAutomachinary

The Investigative Committee opened a case of negligence after the collapse of part of a house in Rostov-on-Don

After the collapse of part of a house in Rostov-on-Don, a criminal case was opened for negligence, it was reported on January 28 on the website of the investigative department of the Investigative Committee (IC) for the region.

“Based on the results of the procedural check, a criminal case was opened regarding the collapse of the wall of a residential building on the grounds of a crime under Part 1 of Art. 293 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Negligence”),” the message said.

As the department clarifies, in 2020 the apartment building was declared unsafe and subject to demolition.

Investigators are inspecting the scene of the incident, questioning residents and administration employees, and studying the technical documentation of the house.

The collapse of the wall of a residential building became known the night before. Footage posted by residents on social networks shows that part of the wall on one side of the house has collapsed.

Deputy Governor of the Rostov Region Sergei Bodryakov said that a state of emergency would be introduced in the area of ​​the five-story building. He added that in total there are 156 residential premises in the house, 247 people are officially registered. At the time of the collapse, there were 95 citizens there who were evacuated.

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