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The expert warned about the danger of sleeping in front of the TV

 Sleep in front of the TV was recognized as dangerous to health.

Sleep expert Rebecca Swain listed health hazards from sleeping in front of the TV, Bristol Post reported.

First of all, Swain drew attention to the fact that due to the uncomfortable posture in which they fall asleep in front of the TV, the posture is disturbed, which leads to severe pain in the back and neck, and then to dizziness when waking up and pressure spikes.

The quality of sleep is also impaired due to the light and sound of the TV, and the brain is in a state of overexcitement. As a result, a person's libido decreases, testosterone levels fall due to constant lack of sleep, anxiety increases, depression appears, which provoke failures of circadian rhythms.

In addition, the blue glow from the screens during sleep causes the production of certain hormones that negatively affect appetite and cause obesity.

Also, because of sleeping in front of the TV, the risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes increases, as artificial light disrupts the concentration of glucose in the body.

"Cardiac diseases can also develop or worsen under the influence of the TV screen," said the sleep expert.

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