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The authorities told details about the heating situation in Podolsk

 The authorities of the Moscow region did not know about the problems with heating in the Klimovsk microdistrict in Podolsk for almost the whole day, said the vice-governor of the region Yevgeny Khromushin, his words are quoted by the press service of the head and government of the region.

The problem was that the situation was hidden, not brought into our unified heat supply control system of the Moscow region. We were in the dark for almost 24 hours," he said.

Khromushin thanked the local residents, who, including on social networks, reported this problem. After that, the authorities deployed a headquarters and informed Governor Andrei Vorobyov about the situation. He, in turn, instructed to introduce an emergency regime and gather all forces from the region.

Earlier today, the vice-governor said that the main problem with heat supply in the Klimovsk microdistrict is planned to be solved by tomorrow.

Later, the head of the city district Grigory Artamonov said that the heat had already been submitted to 45 apartment buildings in Podolsk. According to him, specialists localized accidents on the highways and inspected the pipelines. Warming of systems with heat guns is also launched as necessary. In addition, the system on main coolants continues to be filled for the subsequent supply of heating to apartment buildings.

Artamonov added that now the heat is being launched at the addresses: ul. Zavodskaya, 6; Zavodskaya, 4a; Simferopolskaya, 5, and 50 Let Oktyabrya Avenue, 7/7.

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