//roastoup.com/4/6838986 Russians were warned about the risk of cancer due to alcohol consumption - HfAutomachinary

Russians were warned about the risk of cancer due to alcohol consumption

 Ethyl alcohol destroys the body's cells.

Drinking alcohol increases the risk of developing cancer, warned the director of the National Scientific Center of Narcology, a branch of the National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Narcology named after V.P. Serbian, Professor Tatiana Klimenko. Her opinion was published on the official page of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

Klimenko said that alcoholic beverages, along with smoking and malnutrition, cause life-threatening diseases - cardiovascular pathologies, respiratory and oncological diseases, as well as digestive disorders.

"When alcohol is absorbed into the blood, it enters every cell of the body and into every system. First of all, the liver, pancreas, urinary system and brain are affected. Then the heart and the rest of the organs," said the narcologist.

According to Klimenko, the body's defense systems allow him to cope with the consequences of alcohol intoxication for a while, but sooner or later they will make themselves felt in the form of a heart attack, stroke or pancreatic problems. In addition, the doctor pointed out that recent studies have proven a direct link between the development of breast cancer and the use of alcohol.

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