//roastoup.com/4/6838986 Putin spoke about the historical record for housing construction in Russia - HfAutomachinary

Putin spoke about the historical record for housing construction in Russia

A record amount of housing was commissioned in Russia in 2023, Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with members of the government.


“As for construction, we returned to this issue several times: 110.1 million square meters - housing commissioning here. This, of course, is an absolute record; there has never been anything like it in Russian history. I want to congratulate the builders on this,” the president said.

This result exceeded the forecast of Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin, who at the end of December announced that the volume of housing commissioned in Russia at the end of the year would amount to a record 107-108 million square meters, of which 51 million were apartment buildings.

Speaking about the growth rate of individual construction, the deputy chairman of the government noted that they were positively influenced by social gasification.

Today at a meeting of the State Duma , Khusnullin said that the housing supply in the country by the end of 2036 will reach 36-38.5 square meters per person. Now this figure is at the level of 27 square meters. After 2030, the construction industry will reach a stable commissioning of 120 million square meters per year, the Deputy Prime Minister indicated.

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