//roastoup.com/4/6838986 Peskov explained why Germany should not be concerned about the Bild article about Russia - HfAutomachinary

Peskov explained why Germany should not be concerned about the Bild article about Russia

The German tabloid Bild released material the day before that Russia could attack NATO's eastern flank . The author of the article referred to a certain secret document of the German Armed Forces. The German Ministry of Defense did not comment on this information to the publication before publication, but subsequently stated that “considering various scenarios, even if they are extremely unlikely,” is part of daily routine.

According to Bild, the German military considers the most likely location of the collision to be the Suwalki corridor between Belarus and the Kaliningrad region . The authors of the article leave open the question of how the hypothetical escalation will end.
Russia has repeatedly emphasized that it does not pose a threat to any of the NATO countries, but will not ignore actions that are potentially dangerous to its interests. At the same time, it remains open to dialogue, but on an equal basis, and the West must abandon the course of militarizing the continent.

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