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Ministry of Education: Robotics and 3D modeling will be studied in labor lessons in Russian schools

During labor lessons in Russian schools, students in grades 5–9 will study, in particular, robotics and 3D modeling. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

“It is very important that the subject curricula are compiled taking into account the professions most in demand in today’s labor market, taking into account the realities of a particular region. We know that in many regions it is important, for example, to study the technologies of modern livestock and crop production. Depending on this, the school will determine the variable modules that are relevant for the children. Schoolchildren will also learn to work with automated systems, learn about food processing technology, and in practice will be able to try themselves in computer graphics and robotics,” the message quotes the words of the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Sergei Kravtsov.

As the press service clarified, the federal program for the academic subject “Labor” for secondary school students provides for a mandatory module and an elective module. Thus, the module “Production and Technologies”, the module “Processing Technologies and Food Products”, the module “Computer Graphics. Drawing", module "Robotics", module "3-D modeling, prototyping, prototyping". In the variable module - “Animal husbandry”, “Crop production”.

“At the level of primary general education, this academic subject is studied in the amount of 135 hours, grades 1–4 for 34 hours (1 hour per week). At the level of basic general education, the total number of hours recommended for studying the subject is 272 hours, grades 5,6,7 - 68 hours (2 hours per week), grade 8 - 34 hours (1 hour per week), grade 9 - 34 hours (1 hour per week),” the department explained.

The ministry noted that schools have the right to independently determine the name and sequence of studying modules, and additional variable modules can be developed depending on the socio-economic needs of the region.

The subject “Labor” will become compulsory for primary and secondary school students from September 1, 2024.

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