//roastoup.com/4/6838986 Military commissar from memes will become Deputy Prime Minister of the Trans-Baikal Territory - HfAutomachinary

Military commissar from memes will become Deputy Prime Minister of the Trans-Baikal Territory

 Former chief of staff, first deputy commander of the 29th combined arms army of the Eastern Military District, Colonel Nikolai Zakharov, whose photograph became famous on the Internet thanks to memes about the “good military commissar,” will take the post of deputy chairman of the government of the Trans-Baikal Territory on January 15. The governor of the region, Alexander Osipov, reported this to Chita.ru. According to the publication's sources, Zakharov will become the deputy chairman of Transbaikalia for civil defense and emergency situations.

According to information on the website of the Chelyabinsk Tank School, where Zakharov studied, he was born in 1965 in the Kurgan region. In 2002, he received a diploma from the Military Academy. M. V. Frunze. He held the post of military commissar of the Chelyabinsk region from 2009 to 2011. He resigned from the post of military commissar in May 2011.

From 2011 to 2014, Zakharov was the deputy head of collection of the Chelyabinsk division of Sberbank, and in May 2014 he became the military commissar in the Southern Urals. In October of the same year, the military man took the post of commander of the 15th separate motorized rifle peacekeeping brigade of the Central Military District, stationed in the Samara region.

The school’s website reports that Zakharov was a participant in hostilities and was awarded the Order of Courage and the Order of Military Merit. According to Chita.ru, he took over the post of chief of staff, first deputy commander of the 29th combined arms army of the Eastern Military District in 2021.

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