//roastoup.com/4/6838986 Investigative Committee named the priority version of the cause of the plane crash in Afghanistan - HfAutomachinary

Investigative Committee named the priority version of the cause of the plane crash in Afghanistan

Engine failure is being considered among the priority versions of the crash of a plane carrying Russians in Afghanistan, the Investigative Committee reported on its Telegram channel.

“Various versions of what happened are being considered, one of the priority being technical reasons in the form of engine failure,” the release says.

Officers conduct searches and seize documents relevant to the investigation.

The Investigative Committee, together with the Russian Ambassador to Afghanistan and representatives of the Federal Air Transport Agency , received information about the condition of the surviving Russians, and now all necessary measures are being taken to transport them to Moscow.

A Falcon 10 crashed in the mountains of Afghanistan's Badakhshan province on Sunday. The aircraft was performing a private medical evacuation flight from Pattaya, Thailand to Moscow with two technical landings.

There were six people on board: four crew members (two pilots and two doctors), they survived, as well as two passengers - spouses Anna and Anatoly Evsyukov from Volgodonsk, who died in the crash. Falcon was registered in the state register of civil aircraft of Russia.

A source in Russian aviation circles called the possible cause of the crash an error in calculating fuel, which could have been insufficient due to a strong headwind.

Because of the incident, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case for violation of traffic safety rules and the operation of air transport, which negligently resulted in the death of two or more people.

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