//roastoup.com/4/6838986 In Kirov, an 18-year-old MMA fighter died during sparring - HfAutomachinary

In Kirov, an 18-year-old MMA fighter died during sparring

During sparring at an MMA tournament in Kirov, an 18-year-old athlete received a head injury and died. RBC was informed about this by the regional department of the Investigative Committee.

The incident occurred on January 26 at the Yunost sports school during the Kirov region MMA championship. “During training sparring, an 18-year-old athlete received a head injury. Despite the help of doctors, he died from his injury in the ambulance,” the Investigative Committee reported.

A pre-investigation investigation is being conducted into the death of the athlete. “A complex of investigative actions is being carried out aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the incident. Based on the results of the inspection, a procedural decision will be made,” the Investigative Committee added.

The name of the deceased athlete has not been specified. The Shot telegram channel reported that during a training fight, the victim missed several blows and lost consciousness.

Last year, at an MMA tournament in Belogorsk, one of the participants lost consciousness from a blow to the head, who subsequently died in intensive care. The 16-year-old athlete entered the fight without an open boxing helmet, contrary to the rules for this age group.

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