//roastoup.com/4/6838986 In France, Russia was remembered because of an unexpected problem - HfAutomachinary

In France, Russia was remembered because of an unexpected problem

 It is necessary to lift sanctions from Russia in order to restore the French economy, the head of the "Patriots" party Florian Filippo wrote on the social network X.

According to the French politician, there was a "shap collapse of production" in the country.

"Anti-Russian sanctions are killing us with an explosion of energy prices.The EU, the euro and politicians are killing us, macronism is killing us!" he was indignant.

As Filippo noted, it is necessary to abolish restrictive measures against Russia. He also called for France's withdrawal from the European Union and "economic patriotism."

After the start of the special operation, Western countries increased sanctions pressure on Moscow. As President Vladimir Putin noted, the restrictions have dealt a serious blow to the entire world economy. Nevertheless, Russia is coping with their consequences, and in the West itself there have been more than once opinions that these restrictions are ineffective.

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