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How to break eggs correctly

 This is what we do every day: we just break the egg to release it into a frying pan or in a bowl for making dough. And also gently break the egg into a saucepan to cook the poached. It's not good if there are shell fragments left in the egg or the yolk spreads, because you need a whole yolk for the glook.

We tell you how to break eggs properly to get a whole yolk, and the shell did not get into the scrambled eggs.

Need to wash

Before cooking, experts recommend washing eggs. The fact is that the bacterium that causes a dangerous infectious disease - salmonellosis, is on the shell, it can get inside the egg only if the shell is damaged. Or when you break an egg and the shell fragments get inside. "You need to wash the eggs immediately before cooking, not in advance," warns Mikhail Lebedev, a leading expert of the Center for Molecular Diagnostics (CMD) of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor. - There is a protective film on the egg, cuticle, it protects the egg from bacteria. If you wash the egg and do not start cooking it immediately, the bacteria will penetrate into the product. It will only get worse."

So I wash it before cooking and try to prevent the outer part of the shell from contact with the egg itself.

What to beat

You can't beat an egg with a knife or sharp objects, it is not recommended to beat the egg against the edge of the bowl, frying pan, on the sharp edge of the stove. The fact is that if you break the shell with something sharp, the shell fragments get inside. A sharp object cuts the inner film of the egg, which prevents the shell from getting inside with more careful handling.

To prevent anything from getting inside, you need to break the egg on a flat surface, for example, on the table, on the side of the bowl, but not on its edge.

The eggs will crack, and you can separate the shells with your hands and release the egg where you need it.

Beat from the side

You need to beat the egg from the side, so it will be more convenient to separate the halves. It is not necessary for a large hole in the shell to form when struck, we will only need a few cracks, then holding the edges of the egg with your thumbs, you will calmly open the egg into halves. And let him go to the bowl.

Eyes for scrambled eggs

Scrambled eggs are valuable for their whole yolks. If the yolk spreads, the dish is spoiled, you can make a scramble from the eggs, beat everything right in the frying pan. But it is not always convenient to do this if you fry scrambled eggs, for example, with fried sausage or bread. You can't do anything with big pieces.

Therefore, very carefully break the shell, bring the egg closer to the surface, where we will release the egg, carefully open the halves and release the egg from a small height.

Another point: for the glaze you need to take the freshest eggs. These yolks are the strongest and the most delicious.

You can't take cracked eggs for scrambled eggs. It's not safe, because bacteria could get inside. To kill them by heating, you need to cook the dish for at least ten minutes, and fry the omelet and scrambled eggs on both sides. No one cooks like that.

Tip: when cooking any dish of several eggs, we would first recommend breaking the eggs into a separate socket and then pouring them into a frying pan. If you buy fresh eggs in the store and store them in the refrigerator, the probability of getting a stale egg is extremely low, for example, for many years of my culinary practice, I have come across rotten eggs only a couple of times. But every time it was the last egg released into the scrambled egg pan. I had to throw the whole dish out of several eggs. It's a pity. So it's better to be safe.

If you release eggs directly into the frying pan, it is better not to heat it too much, there should be no white smoke from the frying pan and oil over it. It is best to warm up the frying pan together with the oil (the combination of vegetable and cream works perfectly), then remove the pan from the heat for a minute, return it back and break the eggs. So the squirrel will not grab the hard crust at the bottom of the scrambled eggs, although some people like this option.

In a hot frying pan, part of the protein will become hard too quickly, and around the yolk will remain raw - you will get unappetizing snot. And the yolk risks overcooking and becoming hard. And for the eye, you need a whole, creamy, liquid yolk.

If you cook a poached egg, for which a whole yolk is also important, you should not release the egg into the boiling water. Bubbles will destroy the egg. Twist the funnel and release the egg at the very beginning of boiling.

Scrambled eggs with bread

3 eggs 1 tsp vegetable oil without smell 1 tsp butter a pinch of salt and black ground pepper 2 small pieces of bread

Step 1. Heat the frying pan over medium heat. Add vegetable butter to it first and then butter.

Step 2. Warm up.

Step 3. Hit the eggs on the table, release them one at a time into the frying pan. Fry until the protein thickens and the yolk thickens slightly.

Step 4. In parallel, fry two pieces of bread in a toaster or in another frying pan.

Step 5. Carefully put the scrambled eggs on a heated plate, add fried bread, salt and pepper. It's possible 

to supplement with greens and lettuce leaves.

Scrambled eggs with sausage and tomatoes

3 eggs 1 circle of sausage 1 tomato a few sprigs of parsley vegetable oil salt and black pepper

Step 1. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil.

Step 2. Cut the sausage into small cubes. Put it in a frying pan and fry.

Step 3. Cut the tomato into small pieces, add to the sausage. Salt, pepper, close the lid and sweat for a couple of minutes so that the tomato will let the juice.

Step 4. Carefully release the eggs into the pan on top of the tomato with sausage.

Step 5. Do not stir, cook until the protein thickens.

Step 6. Salt, pepper, sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve.

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