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EU countries have accelerated gas pumping from storage facilities in Ukraine due to high demand

European Union (EU) countries have accelerated the pumping of gas from storage facilities in Ukraine due to high demand. The Financial Times newspaper wrote about this on January 2.


“European companies have accelerated the pumping of natural gas from Ukraine as heating demand increases in the winter months,” the publication quotes an estimate from Argus Media, which collects data on commodities.

Thus, in November, European countries pumped out 10.7 million cubic meters each. m of gas per day, while in December supplies increased to 26 million cubic meters. m per day. Most of the gas went to Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Moldova.

It is noted that Ukraine’s gas storage facilities exceed in volume any European ones. In total, EU countries  store 3 billion cubic meters in Ukraine. m of gas.

On December 28, the head of Gazprom, Alexey Miller, said that in Europe they are artificially destroying the demand for gas, which in many countries has actually led to deindustrialization.

Commenting on this, a leading analyst at the National Energy Security Foundation, an expert at the Financial University under  the Government of the Russian Federation , Igor Yushkov, told Izvestia that the wrong energy policy and sanctions against Russia have led to gas becoming extremely expensive in Europe.

Before this, on December 27, the Russian Ambassador in Vienna, Dmitry Lyubinsky, said that in matters of gas transit, talking about new schemes for its supplies to Europe without the participation and coordination with Russia is pointless.

At the end of October, the head of the Ukrainian energy company Naftogaz, Alexey Chernyshov , said that Ukraine would not renew the agreement on the transit of Russian gas to Europe, which expires at the end of 2024. According to Chernyshov, Ukraine is not breaking the contract right now only because of its European partners who need this transit.

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