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Doctors named five life-prolonging habits

 Life expectancy is about 25% determined by genes, the rest depends on living conditions and habits. There are no quick solutions or the shortest ways to a longer and healthier life, but science knows the key principles, writes Gazeta.ru.

First, you should eat mainly plant-based food: studies confirm the connection of such a diet with a longer life. Herbal products are rich in antioxidants, fiber and other substances that reduce inflammation - a risk factor for cancer and intestinal and vascular diseases.

No diet is suitable for everyone, but one of the most studied and healthy is the Mediterranean diet, based on the diet of people from the Mediterranean countries. It pays special attention to vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, fish and seafood, as well as olive oil.

Secondly, it is important to maintain a healthy weight: obesity increases the risk of a number of health problems that shorten life expectancy. They include heart and vascular diseases, diabetes and several types of cancer.

The third is associated with the two previous useful habits: regular physical activity. It protects against chronic diseases, stress, improves mental health and reduces blood pressure. Any kind of activity brings health benefits - it is not necessary to run marathons or exercise on simulators.

Fourthly, cigarettes and vapes should be abandoned. Smoking affects almost every organ of the body and is associated with both a reduction in duration and a deterioration in the quality of life. There is no safe level of smoking: each cigarette increases the chances of developing several types of cancer, heart disease and diabetes. It is possible to quit the habit with any experience of smoking.

Fifth, social exclusion should be avoided: it increases the risk of early death, heart disease, stroke, dementia, as well as anxiety and depression. Although the mechanisms of this have not been sufficiently studied, it seems that loneliness has a direct negative impact on physical health.

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