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Chinese officials face new punishments

 The Communist Party of China (CPC) has introduced new rules that may lead to the exclusion of party members for various offenses. Such violations include reading prohibited literature, engaging in prostitution and using illegal drugs.

These rules were formulated by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) and approved by the Politburo earlier this month. The goal is to strengthen the "political discipline" of the CPC, according to the Chinese state news agency Xinhua. About 100 million members of the CPC can now be subject to disciplinary sanctions, warnings or even expulsion from the party if they are convicted of reading materials discrediting the party or its history, as well as slandering the Chinese government and the armed forces.

Party members are also threatened with exclusion for drug use or prostitutes - both of these phenomena are considered minor offenses under Chinese criminal law, but can greatly spoil the image of the party, according to the CCDI.Acceptance of inappropriate gifts, performance or consulting fees, as well as tax evasion, embezzlement and bribery are also grounds for exclusion from the party under the new rules. Local CPC officials may now be expelled from the party for "reckless actions" within their jurisdiction or for refusing to comply with Beijing's political directives. On Friday, the Chinese government announced a tougher criminal penalty for bribery, aiming it at both businesses and individuals who are trying to bribe CPC officials.

Chinese President Xi Jinping, who received his third term last year, intensified his long-standing anti-corruption campaign. This year, several billionaires and bankers were expelled from the party and imprisoned, including former central bank employee Sun Guofeng, who was sentenced to 16 years for selling classified information, and former chairman of the insurance company Wang Feng, who received a six-and-half-year sentence for taking bribes worth 12 million yuan ($1.7 million).

After a comprehensive investigation in the health sector conducted earlier this year, more than 180 hospital managers were arrested for bribes, embezzlement and fraud. In May, Xi, speaking to employees of the State Anti-Corruption Service, said that officials "should feel that the audit follows them like a shadow and feel that someone is constantly watching their shoulders."

Our Chinese comrades don't take care of their officials... they don't take care of them! Either it was stolen from us, took a bribe, sawed the budget, they gave it 15 days, that's real humanism and humanity

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