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Blinovskaya and her family intend to declare bankruptcy

Blogger Elena Blinovskaya, her husband Alexey and parents will be forced to declare bankruptcy due to the seizure of assets, her lawyer Natalia Salnikova said. She noted that the court extended the terms of arrests, including for the parents’ apartment received during privatization, and for accounts with pension savings, since, according to the investigation, the assets could have been obtained by criminal means.


“Why is a pension an asset obtained by criminal means? In this regard, a situation is developing in which Elena, her husband and parents will be forced to declare bankruptcy. Thus, Elena Olegovna simply physically will not be able to repay the damage to the state, which has not even yet been established as part of the preliminary investigation in the criminal case,” Salnikova told TASS.

The lawyer also said that the apartment of her brother’s ex-wife Elena Blinovskaya, in which she lives with four children, was arrested. The decision was made regarding the entire apartment, although the brother only owns a share of it. The lawyer expects that due to the blocking of accounts, Aquaculture-Khibiny LLC and some other companies to which Alexey Blinovsky is related will file for bankruptcy. Earlier it became known that Sberbank intends to apply to the court for bankruptcy of Blinovsky.

The creator of the “Marathon of Desires” Elena Blinovskaya is accused of non-payment of taxes amounting to 918 million rubles, money laundering on a particularly large scale and illegal circulation of payment funds. The blogger has been under house arrest since April 2023; this week she was transferred to a pre-trial detention center. Alexey Blinovsky is accused of aiding and abetting tax evasion and money laundering. As part of the criminal case, 21 real estate objects, cash, gold collectible coins and various currencies were arrested.

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