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Alexander Prokhanov: 2024 will be a formidable and precious year of Russian history


I can't wait to find out what this year 2024 will be like. Many witches make predictions. They do an ultrasound, they want to find out if he is a boy or a girl. They listen to the womb of Russian history, where another baby is ripening, ready to be born.

Who is the obstetrician who delivers babies? Who is the fearless visionary who dared to look into the womb of Russian history? You won't find anyone like that. Most people put a wooden tube to their stomach, listen to the beating of the unborn heart and wait for mother history to scream terribly and a newborn baby to appear. And like all babies, he will be covered in blood.

The coming 2024 will be a year of war. There was a dull immobility on the Ukrainian front. Trenches and fortified areas stopped all attacks and advances. And the war froze, continuing to clang, kill, scattering fragments of armor and scraps of bodies. This trench warfare of the 21st century refutes all the teachings about modern wars and returns us to the practice of long-term, inactive wars.

However, the war, bogged down in the roadless steppes, turned into a war of celestial bodies, countless drones and missiles hitting cities. Donetsk continues to be destroyed, Belgorod is burning, Sevastopol is being showered with debris, drones, like hornets, are flying to Kaluga, Bryansk, Kursk. Kharkov, Odessa, Kyiv are shaking from the explosions of Russian missiles. Killing cities is a new phase of the war. Its peculiarity is that NATO, arming Ukraine with its drones and missiles, destroys Russian cities, factories and naval bases from the territory of Ukraine.

Russia responds by smashing Ukrainian targets, while air raid sirens are not blaring in London, Berlin, and Warsaw, and unpunished Europeans are not running to bomb shelters. Russia is looking and cannot find a solution on how to strike back at NATO without plunging Europe into the abyss of a general war. This answer will be found. And then another cruel page will be written in the history of wars.

The war of fortified areas and flight time, the war of the battlefield and military headquarters is transferred to the deep rear, into the bowels of Russian society, where battles invisible to the world take place, which you will not hear about in political talk shows, working tirelessly day and night, like pile-driving machines.

These battles continue the age-old feuds between Westerners and Slavophiles, Prince Kurbsky and Ivan the Terrible, Herzen and Aksakov, Vlasov and Stalin, pacifists of perestroika and ideologists of the Afghan campaign. These are fights at the crack that runs through the entire history of the Russian State.

The most ardent haters of the changes sweeping Russian society have disappeared and fled from Russia. They left their ministerial posts, bank offices, radio stations, and television studios. They went beyond the cordon and from there, forming into violent groups, they contribute to the enemies of Russia, scrape Russia out of history, and cover the public consciousness with boils.

The state burns them with green paint and prevents the infection from spreading. But pro-Western pacifist sentiments continue to smolder in the public consciousness, manifesting themselves in the discontent of the elites, the opposition of the intelligentsia, and the shocking behavior of show business.

The state is at war with the "fifth column". He gets to those hidden hiding places where harmful pro-Western pacifist forces lurk, gropes for them, and resorts to explicit and implicit suppression. And suddenly we hear how outrageous show business stars scream in pain, how gays repent, how waves of fear roll through corporate parties, across theater stages and competition juries. During the war, the state returns to those areas that it thoughtlessly abandoned many years ago, leaving society at the mercy of “free forces”, which ultimately led to Bolotnaya Square, a symptom of the Orange revolutions.

2024 will be the year of strengthening the state. State centralism is an indispensable condition for the existence of an enormously huge, multinational Russia. This centralism will increase not only in defense policy, not only in economics and industry, but also in many abandoned forms of social life. The ownerless again becomes state-owned. Public management of society is a huge burden, a huge temptation that will be revealed in 2024.

The state, while developing society, raking vacant lots, plowing up wastelands overgrown with weeds, must itself improve, acquire a new image, explain itself to society as a traditional force capable of uniting the multinational, multilingual, multiconfessional Russian people. As the only force that can protect the people from powerful enemies and lead them to historical creativity. The people must again see in the state their enduring value, guess in it, today, all the properties of previous centuries that allowed Russia to withstand the pressure of formidable ideologies, monstrous military and political sabotage, and preserve itself as an immortal civilization.

In 2024, Russian thinkers, religious philosophers, and historical spiritualists will continue to work to identify the deep meanings preserved in the depths of Russian history.

In 2024, the world surrounding Russia will be filled with underground shocks and shifts. Nature will bring down many thunderstorms, lightning, floods, epidemics and meteor attacks on the earth. Some meteorites will be mistaken for drones, and they will be shot down by Almaz-Antey products. Other, smaller meteorites will break through the glass in our apartments, and we will find them on our plates while slurping soup. It will snow in the Sahara. Snowdrops will bloom in Antarctica. Whales will be found in the Moscow River. Flies the size of partridges will appear, which nutritionists will recommend as food. Gaza will remain a terrible wound from which cowardly humanity will turn away in horror. The age-old Chinese burden will continue in Taiwan. Iran will continue to kill generals with impunity. The Houthis will shoot at American ships. Kim Jong-un will invigorate humanity by launching ballistic missiles. NATO will demonstrate its collapse by accepting more and more new members. And the crafty people in all spheres of Russian government will hide their billion-dollar fortunes away, switch to domestic cars and, fighting for the birth rate, come out to the people with the idea of ​​artificial insemination.

2024 will be a formidable and precious year in Russian history. The New Year's celebrations are over. The "Wish Trees" are over. The vulgar PR is over. The womb of Russian history is opening. Russian history is mother, she is not chosen, we are all - bad and smart, brave and cowardly, God-revealed and lost - we are all her sons. To you, not made by hands, I fall with my loving lips, broken into blood.

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