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A Saucy Way to Serve Canned Fish

Take Monday’s canned fish dinner from drab to fab with this simple, marvelously delicious trick.

One can’t really talk about Barcelona’s seafood scene without mentioning cod. This northern Atlantic fish has been a staple in Catalan gastronomy since as far back as the Middle Ages, when the locals acquired a taste for it thanks to its ability to keep in salt and travel thousands of miles until it could reach the ports of this city.

Cod becomes particularly popular here during Lent — the six-week period between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday — when Catholics abstain from eating pork, beef, and lamb. It is at this time of year when cod proves itself yet again as a cheap, delicious source of protein for Catalans of all tastes and ages.

My pantry is always stocked with a can, or two, throughout the year.

Why Go the Extra Mile

The way we serve canned fish, be it cod or other, doesn’t always do it justice. Sure, it’s in a can. And what is a can of cod if not a convenience food? But don’t just put it on a plate: A little love — say, a bed of freshly made sauce and a quick, zippy salsa, with a touch of thoughtful presentation — can take the protein to a whole new level.

I’m about to show you how I do this with cod preserved in olive oil. This technique, however, welcomes variation; it works equally well with any can of fish, including anchovies, mackerel, sardines, and tuna. It can even work with grilled or pan-seared fish fillets.

Author’s note: Bear in mind, the higher the quality of the fish, the more delicious the dish. (An accidental rhyme, I admit, but also one worthy of keeping.)

Canned Fish, With Sauce

I enjoy serving canned fish on a bed of tomato sauce, finished off with a zesty blend of fresh parsley, red onion, and brined caper salsa.

I start by readying the ingredients:

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