//roastoup.com/4/6838986 A new project about a tax on the “rich”. It already exists, but why is it being slowed down? - HfAutomachinary

A new project about a tax on the “rich”. It already exists, but why is it being slowed down?


In the first half of 2023, Russia increased uranium supplies to the United States by 2.2 times. Well, the same one that rains down on the heads of our soldiers in the form of uranium shells, micro-atomic bombs. Of course, we supply a different kind of uranium - for nuclear power plants, but for some reason this association does not disappear.

Germany increased fertilizer exports from Russia by 334%. Well, that is, more than three times.

In Spain, we suddenly became leaders in the amount of LNG supplied - 26.8% of the total volume.

These are all those countries that, including thanks to the resources we supplied, are churning out weapons and sending them to the other side of the Northern Military District.

Just wait - swear! After one of these articles, you and I had a vote - Do we need to supply all this to our enemies? And 50% agreed, yes, it is necessary. Because the budget must be replenished somehow so that both the SVO continues and the Government fulfills social guarantees.

The government is following this path. He sells it wherever he can, and to whomever he can.

Because there is a second way, and economists say that might be enough. But the government does not follow this path.

State Duma Deputy Nikolai Arefiev - by the way, first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy - said:

- We introduced a law on progressive income tax. It has not yet been considered, but it should be. It proposes introducing a progressive income tax of up to 30% on excess income. The budget would receive 2.5 trillion rubles, and there would be no need to ask the oligarchs for it. We didn't invent anything. 28% progressive tax in the USA. 60% - in France. In Norway - 28%.

In total, the practice of introducing a progressive income tax exists in more than 40 countries.

The deputy also added that despite the difficult situation, the number of rich people in Russia has increased. Over the past year, there were 22 more oligarchs in the country, the wealth of the oligarchs increased by 12 trillion rubles. Meanwhile, the budget lacks 3.5 trillion rubles.

But the government does not introduce this tax, I think, only for one simple reason... When Putin addresses Russians, do you think he addresses only people like us, who make up 95% of the population? No, he appeals to the oligarchs, and to the heads of large companies, and to those who receive a million a month... To everyone... Because his task is the consolidation of the entire society.

In addition, all the specialists have repeatedly emphasized how many people there are in Putin’s circle who only think about when the SVO will end... Who are ready to go to great lengths just to live their old life.

So the president is forced to maneuver between them. In order not to cross the red line - already for them.

That’s why, when choosing who to take money from for the national budget, he chooses them, the bourgeoisie and the villains who are on the other side. To avoid anything, he doesn’t touch his bourgeoisie yet... There is no critical zone yet.

But the law that Arefiev is talking about, of course, would be needed by our country - and would be fair. Especially in the conditions of Northern Military District.

Let me remind you that from 2021 in Russia there is an increased personal income tax rate for citizens whose income exceeds five million rubles per year. For them, the tax is 15% instead of 13%, and the funds collected go to the treatment of seriously ill children.

This is, of course, great, but now the situation in the country has seriously changed. Tax collection has improved significantly, the built tax system allows you to track almost every ruble, and 15% for the rich is a very small rate compared to other countries.

And now there is nowhere to run, hiding from taxes. All the oligarchs cry that they are not given the opportunity abroad to withdraw their “hard-earned money” from their accounts. The money is frozen - that's it. And if you want to unfreeze, firstly, condemn Russia, secondly, replenish the budget of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, thirdly, we’ll think about it. Only Tinkov has been lucky so far...

Here’s what Konstantin Malofeev said about the tax on the rich :

- I believe that we must have a progressive scale, and the rich should pay not 15%, as now, but 50%. And the difference, as now, is used to help children with rare diseases. So why do the rich not want to pay? And what needs to be done to make them want it? Those who donate money to charity themselves should be exempt from this tax. And then people will establish their own charitable foundations and help those whom they themselves want. For example, their native land or a certain group of the population that seems to them the most disadvantaged. A rich man will definitely appoint his wife or daughter as the head of the fund. And this means that the atmosphere in the family will change, because they will all do charity work and discuss it. And this will generally change the atmosphere...

But I think all charitable foundations are like this - they already have it. This is a matter for the soul and for one’s own perception of the world. But take out and put all 50% into the state’s treasury! So far no one has asked anything from them for that privatization 30 years ago!..

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