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5 products that will help to cope with a hangover


"No pyramid will help you. Follow the old wise rule - to treat such things like that," advised Bulgakovsky Woland to Stepa Likhodeev, who suffers from a hangover. However, this is a very dubious method from both an ethical and medical point of view - professional narcologists strongly do not recommend taking alcohol in the morning for medicinal purposes. Especially since there are much more humane, but no less accessible and effective methods. RBC Life talks about products and simple dishes that will help you get back on your feet after the lipsions the day before.

Fermented milk products

Poor health in a hangover is largely due to the formation of ethanol decay products in the liver, which poison the whole body. Fermented milk products, including kefir, koumiss, ayran, tan and yogurts, will help to alleviate this condition. Lactic acid bacteria protect the liver by removing toxins from it and nourish the body with energy. Moreover, such products are rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals, which are necessary for many metabolic processes. They also have a positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract and restore strength.


Oatmeal porridge is a useful and familiar daily breakfast for many people. At the same time, this simple dish can serve not only as a source of energy, but also act as a good remedy for a hangover due to the abundance of various useful nutrients. Oatmeal is rich in minerals, including calcium and magnesium, as well as B vitamins, which will accelerate the processing of ethanol, remove signs of withdrawal and stimulate the liver, accelerating the elimination of toxins.

Finally, the composition of oat flakes includes beta-glucans, which will help reduce the degree of inflammation of the internal organs after taking alcohol.


Another simple but effective recipe for a hangover breakfast is egg-based dishes, including scrambled eggs or omelet. They contain many proteins and other nutrients that increase immunity, normalize blood pressure and protect the nervous system. Cysteine, an amino acid that helps in the fight against toxic acetaldehyde (a product of ethanol decay in the body), saves directly from a hangover.


Honey contains trace elements, enzymes and acids that contribute to the overall normalization of metabolism. Moreover, it has fructose, which improves metabolism, which in turn activates the excretion of alcohol decay products without harming the body. Most fructose and organic acids are found in dark varieties of honey, including buckwheat or sunflower. In addition, the sweetness will replenish the balance of glucose washed out of the body with large doses of alcohol the day before. In case of a strong hangover, it is recommended to use honey in small doses throughout the day, for example, by adding it by a spoon to warm weak tea.


Brine is perhaps the most popular product for the effective fight against hangover, known in Russia since ancient times. One of the reasons for feeling unwell after taking alcohol is dehydration and violation of the water-salt balance in the body. In the liquid used for souring or salting vegetables, lactic and natural acetic acid is formed during fermentation, which restores the necessary balance in the body. Moreover, for example, dill is traditionally used in cucumber brine, and the substances contained in it eliminate swelling and help to eliminate toxins.

"Speaking about brine, do not forget that by eating it during a hangover, we further dehydrate the exhausted body. Therefore, together with the brine it is worth drinking even more clean water," Yuri Sivolap, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic Pathology of the Russian Academy of Russian University, told RBC Life.

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