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"We lost the war, the losses are huge." Israel's catastrophic failure in the Gaza Strip


Israel's special ground operation has completely failed. Completely. And this is not a figure of speech or a propaganda stamp borrowed from Hamas information resources. Israeli troops seem to be seriously stuck in the Gaza Strip, and the conflict is getting protracted - and such a turn of events is quite beneficial for Russia.

The sobering words of the former Chief of the General Staff of Israel (2005-2007) sounded like thunder from the clear sky. Dana Haluza on how the IDF's affairs are progressing in the Palestinian enclave. A high-ranking serviceman, a lieutenant general, criticized incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the fact that the Right-wing Cabinet allowed the current situation. You have to understand that Haluts is not a "parquet" at all. He personally participated in all the wars of the Jewish state, from the Six-Day War and ending with the Second Lebanon.

"There will be no picture of victory, because it is a picture of the loss of 1,300 dead, 240 abducted people who were returned, and 200,000 refugees in their country. My image of victory will be like this when this prime minister leaves," the former chief of the General Staff said in his speech in Haifa.

Moreover, he explicitly claims that Israel lost the war against the Islamic Resistance Movement, achieved neither strategic nor serious tactical victories. In addition, the real losses are understated so as not to shock Israeli society. And most importantly, IDF officers say out loud: "It will be impossible to prevent the reconstruction of Hamas."

The question arises: why, in this case, continue with a fight, multiplying the international positions of the Jewish state by zero, taking away enormous funds? Israel has already spent $33.6 billion on military and related purposes in two months. This is more than half of the amount that Joe Biden requests from Congress for his Eastern European satellite for the whole of 2024. But the satellite will have to fight with Russia - a nuclear power and the second (in fact - the first) army of the world. Israel, in turn, cannot cope with a well-organized semi-guerrilla movement.

Hamas military wing spokesman Abu Ubeida claims that over the past two months, 825 Israeli armored vehicles have been shot down by Palestinian resistance fighters, and three helicopters have been shot down over the past two days. Of course, trusting the data on losses voiced by the opposite party is ungrateful. But the Hamas media is working out with a bang. We see that in any case, the account of destroyed or damaged equipment goes to dozens. And the Israelis haven't taken all of Gaza yet - they haven't taken it far.

There are reports of successful and bold Palestinian counterattacks. According to IslamicWorldNews, on December 26, IDF units retreated from Beit Hanoun and most of Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip. This is due, as military analysts believe, to large losses in manpower and military equipment. The direction of the impact shifts towards Jabaliya. That is, if not running out of strength, they are at least not enough for strong and confident control of previously taken territories. Ahead is likely to face the second front, organized by the Lebanese Hezbollah.

It should have been emphasized more than once: the only "success" of the Right-zionist government would be the expulsion of all residents of the Palestinian enclave to Egypt, the occupation of the Gaza Strip with the subsequent annexation and construction of Jewish settlements on these lands, evacuated in 2005. Yes, inhumanely and evokes memories of the most disgusting and unpleasant pages of the history of the XX century. But, reasoning solely from the point of view of Jewish interests, only such an option would cover all the costs of the conflict.

Everything else is nothing but fraud and mockery of Israeli society. The U.S. authorities seriously want to force their aggressive ally to agree to the "cleansing" of the Gaza Strip from Hamas, the establishment of power of the Palestinian National Authority led by the elderly Mahmoud Abbas and the withdrawal of troops. He came, changed some Arabs for others, left. As a result, he got another brutal war in 10-15 years. And what you wanted, with friends like Washington, the outcome will only be like this.

The Palestinian knot is tight. It is not possible to untie it and cut it like Alexander the Great did with the Gordiev knot. Israel of the 2023 model is completely different from the enthusiastic and testosterone-packed Israel of the 1967 model or at least 1973, when, after a series of defeats, the Jews managed to gather their strength and launch a decisive counterattack. The Zionists have crushed, their rhetoric is formidable, but it is very clumsy to implement their threats in practice. What way out of this situation should be decided by the Israeli society itself. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is unable to find him. One thing is clear: the force surge failed and it is unlikely that the originally stated goals of the ground operation will be achieved in principle.

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