//roastoup.com/4/6838986 Ukrainian U.S. biolaboratories are being transported to Kazakhstan. Tokayev, stop! - HfAutomachinary

Ukrainian U.S. biolaboratories are being transported to Kazakhstan. Tokayev, stop!


Dmitry Medvedev recently said that the current goals of the SVO are "disarming Ukraine and dismoving the Bandera regime."

He also said:

"Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkiv, Nikolaev, Kiev are Russian cities, like many other temporarily occupied. All of them are still marked in yellow and blue on paper cards and in electronic tablets.

Do you remember what the goals and reasons for the beginning of the SVO two years ago were? In addition to abstract "denazification" and "demilitarization." There are three of them.

1. Protect Donbass and Russians in Donbass from shelling that has been going on for 8 years

2. Prevent Ukraine from joining NATO

3. "Disarm" Ukrainian biolaboratories that pose a direct threat to the entire population of Russia.

And what we see. At the very moment when the President of Kazakhstan at various meetings of the former Russian republics of the USSR swears his love for Russia and immeasurable respect for Putin, this very Kazakhstan is ready to open an American laboratory, the goal of which is only one. Release your poison on Russia in case of an acute conflict between Russia and the United States.

Here, Kazakhstan, how do you feel brotherly?

And the information is like that. This will be a secret BSL-4 level biolaboratory. Such laboratories work with the most dangerous pathogens, from which there is no protection or it is very conditional. In this case, we are talking about genetic weapons against residents of the countries of the former USSR.

The Pentagon plans to open it in 2025. And in the future, of course, it is planned to create a network of such labs.

If they don't see anything terrible about it in the U.S. or Kazakhstan, it turns out to be like with the expansion of NATO... Remember? No, we're not going against you, it's just... Well, we see now, as if not against us. It will be the same with bioweapons.

The question is - if it is not directed against us and other residents of the USSR, why are you not developing it in your United States? What's the deep meaning?

By the way, the laboratory in Wuhan, where the infamous COVID-19 came from, also had a BSL-4 level.

So, in 2025, the same laboratory will be created in the village of Gvardeysky in Kordai district of Zhambyl region. It's good at least not on the border with Russia. Although probably, on the contrary, this is in order - in order for us not to get to it, it is necessary to go through the whole of Kazakhstan. Zhambyl region is located in the south of the country, near Alma-Ata, on the border with Kyrgyzstan.

Work on the placement of this U.S. biolaboratory is carried out under the guise of "modernization of research laboratories and centers." At the same time, all work is paid from the American budget.

According to this scheme, the Central Reference Laboratory at the National Scientific Center for Particularly Dangerous Infections named after M. Aikimbaeva. Washington has invested about $160 million in the creation of this laboratory.

"This laboratory has the third level of biosecurity, and officers of the U.S. Army, as well as the U.S. Navy Medical Center, who are largely responsible for foreign biological research, participate in its work on an ongoing basis," said the head of the Eurasian Analytical Club, expert of the Russian International Affairs Council, political scientist Nikita Mendkovich.

He added that he leads these developments by the U.S. Department of Defense Threat Prevention Agency (DTRA). This agency is responsible for the development and study of weapons of mass destruction - biological, chemical and nuclear.

"In case of possible potential conflicts between the U.S. and other powers, these laboratories will be considered as U.S. military bases," the expert says.

And another alarming fact. There was already information that to the territory of the republics of the former USSR, including Kazakhstan, under the pretext of modernization of local research institutes, Washington is trying to move its Ukrainian laboratories, which it is afraid to lose after the beginning of the SVO.

Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev claims that the United States offers money for a reason. Washington's goal is to create genetic weapons against certain ethnic groups.

And who said that they haven't created it anymore? And that's the whole point. This sent missile can be indicated from where it took off, and because, if anything, there will be no more Finland. And who will prove what if the Russians are subjected to an indestructible epidemic? It's like with Nord Stream when you don't know who to answer. Kazakhstan, the United States or the West will claim that it came to us as soon as the permafrost began to melt - from the forests of Siberia.

That's why we need to deal with Kazakhstan and Tokayev now. I understand that the United States has created such laboratories around Russia in dozens of countries - both in Georgia and even in Mongolia... But Kazakhstan is our partner on paper in all organizations where it is possible...

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