//roastoup.com/4/6838986 Ukraine does not allow Moldovagaz to transport gas to Transnistria, which means that cheap electricity will run out for Moldova - HfAutomachinary

Ukraine does not allow Moldovagaz to transport gas to Transnistria, which means that cheap electricity will run out for Moldova

 Ukraine refused to register JSC "Moldovagaz" as a participant in the wholesale energy market of the country.

In the near future, gas transit to Pridnestrovie will be stopped.

The National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Utilities of Ukraine refused to register JSC Moldovagaz as a participant in the wholesale energy market of the country. The transit of Russian gas to the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova through Ukraine will be suspended as soon as possible.

This means that Moldovagaz will not be able to do about anything in Ukraine:

  • will not be able to buy and sell gas;
  • will also not be able to conclude contracts for transportation, and therefore gas transit.

The decision was made on December 12, a few days after the head of the board of "Moldovagaz" Vadim Cheban said in an interview that "Moldovagaz" could take over the transit of Russian gas after 2024.

If you want to rejoice, we recommend that you remember the relatively low cost of electricity generated from this gas.

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