//roastoup.com/4/6838986 The Colonel revealed the main feature of the "Serp" anti-drone complex - HfAutomachinary

The Colonel revealed the main feature of the "Serp" anti-drone complex

 The key feature of the Serp anti-drone complex being developed in Russia is that the system is able to fight the drone swarm.

About the main characteristics of "Serp" to "Lente.ru" was told by the Head of the Department of Political Science and Sociology of the Russian University of Economics named after G. B. Plekhanova, retired Colonel Andrey Koshkin.

"We are now quite active in the interaction of enterprises of the military-industrial complex with the requests of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the line of combat contact. To a large extent, all barriers have been removed, engineers come directly from the enterprises to the combat zone and take the opinions of military personnel about the use of certain installations, weapons systems, immediately return to enterprises, modernize weapons. The results of the production of weapons and military equipment are constantly being understood together with the servicemen," said the retired colonel.

He also revealed another important feature of "Serp" - its ability to suppress FPV drones.

"Algorithms of digital processing of detection systems make it possible to confidently determine the presence of a drone in the area where "Serp" will be delivered, as well as reduce the likelihood of false alarms and omissions. Up to five kilometers in line of sight, the complex automatically suppresses drones. The complex works at three hundred and sixty degrees in the horizontal plane, and can work at 90 degrees - this just allows you to detect enemy drones and allow your drones to work at this time," the specialist added.

Earlier it was reported that the Vector Research Institute (R&D), which is part of Roselectronics holding of Rostec State Corporation, has completed tests of the modernized Serp anti-drone complex.

"NII "Vector" of the holding "Roselectronics" has successfully completed the tests of the modernized anti-drone complex "Serp-VS5D" at one of the facilities of the energy infrastructure of Russia. The system combines the functions of radio electronic detection and counteraction to small unmanned aerial vehicles in one device. The equipment can work both against a single target and against a swarm of drones," Rostec said in a statement.

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