//roastoup.com/4/6838986 Sergey Mikheev: Without changing the migration strategy, we will make a lot of problems - HfAutomachinary

Sergey Mikheev: Without changing the migration strategy, we will make a lot of problems


The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia reported that in Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Leningrad and Tver regions, decisions were made to deprive the acquired Russian citizenship in connection with the commission of a crime. Under which articles these crimes were committed - the department did not specify. It was reported that after serving the sentence on the alleged charges, former citizens will be expelled from Russia. Let me remind you that since October this year, the law on the deprivation of acquired citizenship has been in force. For the first time on December 15, a court in Chelyabinsk decided to terminate the citizenship of two brothers who came from the near abroad for evasion of military registration. What we are talking about here is unknown, but several decisions to terminate the acquired citizenship.

Sergey Mikheev: I think this is positive news. We must stop the "bacchanalia" with the distribution of our passports for bribes to everyone. Of course, we are faced with the task of solving the demographic problem, but not in the way in which we distribute our citizenship, passports to everyone, sometimes on a corrupt basis, and put a tick: "Look, we have more citizens."

Russia needs patriots: people who share its values, ready to live by law. And we don't need those who come here and start to download their rights. Over the years, millions of such passports have been distributed - without exaggeration. We don't value our citizenship, so others don't value it. We demand from them respect for us, and what will be the respect if they bought passports for little money? First of all, it is necessary to return respect for the Russian passport. Secondly, to isolate those for whom citizenship is expensive and to put law-abiding behavior as a condition for maintaining citizenship. I got my passport somehow - I need to find out how you got it. In St. Petersburg, a former migration service official was arrested, who is accused of issuing more than 100,000 passports for bribes! More than 100,000 people just bought Russian citizenship in one city alone from one official! This is to the question of what the migration problem is for Russia.

Do you think these people will respect the laws? They won't. They will be collating their communities here, and then we will have problems, especially when it comes to the capital, about large cities. It's a security issue. First of all, it is necessary to stop the distribution of passports, it is not clear to whom. Secondly, those who have already received should be put in a firm framework: either you live here and comply with the laws, or welcome to go out. If we do this, then our citizenship will be respected, they will start fighting for it, and in the meantime, you can care about it. Even a few such solutions as precedents are good.

Without changing the migration strategy, we will not just not solve the problems, but will make a lot of problems. When the capital of the state is saturated with millions of people who do not care about Russian patriotism, the values that exist here, laws, culture and traditions, you are preparing a revolution in the future. If you don't understand that, you're probably not in your place. And if you think that money justifies everything, then you are doubly out of place. Selling your country for money is not good. "We solve economic problems." You solve some momentary economic problems, and prepare other political problems!

People who have received citizenship will sooner or later become a political force. If we do not force to respect the Russian citizenship of those who came here or are going to come, then after some time we will solve problems related to state security issues. Those who follow the laws have nothing to fear.

There is a strong opinion that Russian citizenship is very difficult to obtain: it is one of the most difficult.

Sergey Mikheev: Russian citizenship is difficult for honest people to obtain. And for dishonest people who know where to pay through ethnic organized criminal groups to the channel, it is very easy to obtain Russian citizenship, even easy. American and British citizenship, for example, is really difficult to obtain. We need to strive to ensure that citizenship is valued and open these schemes. Who got passports for bribes - you need to check what kind of people.

Earlier, the editor-in-chief of IA "Regnum" Marina Akhmedova commented on the events in the "Sadovod" market.

a little earlier, Alexander Khinstein commented on the detention of two teenagers from a migrant family in St. Petersburg for extinguishing the Eternal Flame by throwing snow at it.

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