//roastoup.com/4/6838986 Queues break records: trucks are stuck on the border during the holidays - video - HfAutomachinary

Queues break records: trucks are stuck on the border during the holidays - video

 Truck drivers on the Belarusian-Lithuanian border prepared to celebrate holidays in cars. What does the queue of almost 900 trucks that are waiting for departure to Lithuania at the "Benyakoni" checkpoint look like, watch the Sputnik video.

The queue of 700-900 trucks for the small Benyakoni checkpoint is a record and a problem for truckers. Its maximum capacity is no more than 250 trucks per day. Parking in the waiting area of the electronic queue is designed for about this purpose.

In recent months, it has been completely clogged, and the rest of the trucks are forced to park near the roadsides and at the exits. The swire of trucks stretched for three kilometers.

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