//roastoup.com/4/6838986 Political scientist Dmitry Evstafyev told how to force the United States to remove NATO from Russia's borders - HfAutomachinary

Political scientist Dmitry Evstafyev told how to force the United States to remove NATO from Russia's borders


Famous political scientist, Professor Dmitry Evstafyev spoke about how Russia will win a geopolitical confrontation with the United States, forcing them to remove NATO from our borders once and for all.

According to him, even after winning the special military operation (SVO) in Ukraine, it will not be possible to agree on a long-term peace with Washington right away, "Military Affairs" reports.

According to him, the U.S. will not discuss with us our concerns and the threats that pose to us. The only possibility for dialogue with the United States, the political scientist is sure, is to discuss the threats that we will create for them.

At the same time, the professor noted that the role of anti-Russian Ukraine Russia has already begun to zero, but everything else remains, including NATO infrastructure and the Baltic States stuffed with military infrastructure.

"NATO's potential can be quite large," he warned. "And in this sense, the basis for dialogue with the United States will not arise exactly when we break up the Armed Forces of Ukraine and liberate our territories from the occupation," said Evstafyev.

Already now, he believes, we need to think about how to solve the geopolitical problems that are outlined in the document of December 2021: the withdrawal of NATO infrastructure to the borders of 1997.

In his opinion, achieving them requires a completely different level of threats we pose to the collective West and the United States. And he recommends focusing on the United States.

"Dialogue with Washington will arise under two main conditions. The first is the emergence of a dialogue elite group there. Secondly, from our actions, Americans should feel a real threat to themselves," explained the political scientist.

As Evstafyev once again stressed, the only basis for dialogue with the United States is only their own fear. Fear that they will have to pay too much to continue the confrontation.

"That's exactly what Russia needs to do now. We have 2024 for this and we don't have to think that the U.S. will destroy its statehood itself," the professor concluded.

Earlier, the host of the program "Time will show" Artyom Sheinin commented on the statement of the former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine William Taylor.

At the same time, Maxim Shugaley commented on the version of Yevgeny Prigozhin's death published by the American edition of the Wall Street Journal.

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