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Losses of the year: Who lost Moldova in 2023 - the first president, young athletes, great writer, famous artist and architect

 Moldova lost many great people in 2023.

February 21 - Champion of Moldova in cycling among juniors

Valerian Railian was 12 years old, he was hit by a car on the track near Stavcen when he was training cycling. The boy died in intensive care three days later.

March 8 - Sergey Chukhriy

Moldovan conductor, composer and teacher, People's Artist Sergei Chukhriy at the age of 84.

Sergei Chukhriy was born on August 2, 1938 in the village of Moara de Pyatra, Baltsky district, now Drokievsky district. He was the head of the variety orchestra of the Youth House in Chisinau (1963-1964), guitarist of the Sakhalin Philharmonic Variety Orchestra, Russia (1964-1965), methodologist of the House of Folk Art in Chisinau (1965-1982), a member of the Repertoire College of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Moldova (1986-1988), conductor of the Folk Music Orchestra "Martsisor" of the Youth House (since 1970), teacher since 1988, since 1993 he taught at the Conservatory "G. Music" in Chisinau, artistic director and conductor of the Folk Music Orchestra "FluieraÅŸ", Chisinau (1995-2013).

April 24 - 11-year-old football child

Denis Scrob, a young native of the village of Kongaz, suddenly became ill on the football field. He fell and lost consciousness. He was taken to the locker room, they began to pump him out, and immediately called an ambulance, but the child had already died before the doctors arrived.

Denis had a congenital heart disease, and he died of a massive heart attack. The boy loved football very much and was a fan of Cristiano Ronaldo. The coaches didn't know about the heart defect.

June 22 - Viktor Pushkash

Victor Puskas, former Chairman of the Constitutional Court who signed the Declaration of Independence and one of the authors of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, died at the age of 80.

Victor Pushkas was born on July 18, 1943 in the village of Arionesti, Dondusesi district.

In 1977, Puskas became a member of the Supreme Court, and from 1985 to 1989 he served as Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Moldova.

Victor Pushkas was elected a deputy of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova by the Legislative Assemblies of the XI and XII.

In 1989-1994, he held the position of Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the MSSR, Deputy Chairman of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova. In 1994-1995 he was Minister for Relations with the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova.

In 1995-2001 he held the position of Chairman of the Supreme Court. On February 15, 2001, he was appointed a judge of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova for a term of six years, and on February 27, 2001 he was elected Chairman of the Constitutional Court.

On February 15, 2007, he was appointed a judge of the Constitutional Court for a second six-year term.

Viktor Pushchash co-author of the book Face to Face with American Justice and the Constitutional Court: 10 years of activity. The magistrate was awarded the Medal of Civil Merit" and the Order of the Republic. He is also an honorary citizen of the capital of Texas, USA, Austin.

August 12 - Fyodor Kovalzhi

Fyodor Kovalzhi, director of Taraclia-Gas, died suddenly at the age of 47. The tragic event occurred on August 12 in Taraclia.

Fyodor Kovalzhi was born on November 4, 1975. He was educated at the Technical University of Moldova. In 2019, he ran for MP of the Parliament of Moldova from the PDM party.

September 4 - Tudor Deliu

Former deputy and chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova Tudor Deliu passed away after a serious illness.

Tudor Deliu was a member of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova in the period 2010-2019 on the PLDM lists. In 2018, at the 7th Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova, Tudor Deliu was elected chairman of the party, a position he held until August 16, 2020, when Vlad Filat was re-elected at the head of the party.

September 13 - Mircea Snegur

The first President of Moldova Mircea Snegur died on September 13 at the age of 83. Snowman died of an incurable disease.

Snegur was born on January 17, 1940 in the village of Trifanesti, Floresti district. On September 3, 1990, he was appointed by the Supreme Soviet President of the USSR of Moldova. From September 3, 1990, he held the post of President of the Republic of Moldova until December 1, 1996.

September 28 - Ion Drutsa

The famous Moldovan writer Ion Drutsa died in Moscow on Thursday at the age of 95. He has lived in Russia since 1969.

Ion Drutsa was born into a peasant family in the village of Horodishte, Dondyuseni district. In 1946 he graduated from the School of Forestry, and in 1957 - Higher Literary Courses at the Literary Institute named after Gorky in Moscow.

He made his debut in 1953 with a collection of short stories La noi in sat. In 1987, the Writers' Assembly of Moldova elected him honorary chairman of the Writers' Union. He wrote a number of plays ("Casa Mare", "Pasarile tineretii noastre", "Sfinta sfintelor", etc.), which were staged in Chisinau, Moscow, in the Baltic countries, in the cities of the union republics of the former USSR, as well as abroad.

In 1967. Drutsa was awarded the State Prize of the MSSR, and in 2008 - the State Prize of the Republic of Moldova.

In 1992. Drutsa was elected an honorary member of the Romanian Academy. In 1990, he entered the top ten writers in the world.

October 16 - Ion Negure

Ion Negure, a musician, famous performer and teacher of the game, died in Chisinau. As a Master of Arts, he taught at the State Conservatory, the Chisinau Institute of Arts and the Republican Lyceum "Ciprijan Porumbescu", and a few days ago he was awarded the prize for outstanding achievements in the field of music pedagogy.

December 18 - Dmitry Peychev

The famous Moldovan artist of Bulgarian origin Dmitry Peychev died on the night of December 18. He was 80 years old. Peychev died of heart failure.

Dmitry Peychev was born on May 19, 1943 in the village of Burguji, Artsiz commune (now Odessa region, Ukraine). He created in the genre of easel painting, creating paintings that include still lifes, landscapes and human images.

Among the artist's awards and distinctions: a gold medal at the exhibition of Soviet painting in Japan (1987) for "Portrait of the conductor. Andronica", prize of the Union of Artists of Romania in the "Salons of Moldova" for "Portrait of Larisa Surdu" (1992), medal "Meritul Civic" (1996), prize of the Union of Artists of Moldova in the field of painting (2005), prize for outstanding achievements of the Union of Artists of Moldova (2006), II prize for "Portrait of A. Drobakha" in the "Spring Salons" of the Union of Artists of Moldova (2007).

December 29 - Vladimir Modyrke

Architect Vladimir Modyrke, former head of the Department of Architecture, Urban Planning and Land Relations (1989-1997, 1999-2011), died.

Under his leadership, projects were implemented: a marine school for children in the Rose Valley Park, the building of the Cancer Institute, the Sun City shopping center, the Moldinconbank bank building, residential neighborhoods on Izmailskaya Street, Decebal Boulevards, Mircea cel Batryn and others.

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