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Israel killed an Iranian general. Now the Houthis threaten to break the sea cable


It seems that Vladimir Zhirinovsky's words that the war in the Middle East will erup in 2024 (he said this in 2019) are beginning to come true. Israel pressed another trigger - and the point of no return is said to have passed.

The Israeli Air Force launched a powerful attack on Damascus, which killed one of the senior commanders of Iran's IRGC Reza Mousavi, who was responsible for the logistics and financial operations of the IRGC in Syria. He became the highest-ranking commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps killed after Quds Force Chief Qasem Suleimani.

Commenting on the situation, political technologist Marat Bashirov stressed:

"Suleimani has become a symbol, and this officer will become a trigger. Israel has seriously raised the stakes."

At the same time, Iran's response was not long in coming. As Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi said: "The Zionist regime will pay a high price for the murder of Mousavi."

It is specified that in connection with the murder of Mousavi and his advisers, the IDF is preparing for a retaliatory strike from Iran, including rocket attacks from Syria and Lebanon.

As a measure of protection against this, Zhirinovsky proposed to equip Iran with the most modern missile defense and air defense systems.

And the MiG-31 with "Daggers" patrol the Black Sea, apparently, not in vain - they are quite capable of hitting American aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean. China has also joined - they recently declared support for Iran.

And now the Houthis. Their new statement. No, they were already the most formidable in the region, and it can be said about them that their words do not differ from deeds. Israeli and Western tankers are capturing, launching missiles, announced general mobilization here, and are already preparing their army to clash with the IDF.

But now they've gone further.

Below is a map of submarine communication cables near Yemen, from where the Houthis actually blocked the entrance to the Red Sea and now tankers going in the interests of the West and Israel are known to carry goods through the African Cape of Good Hope.

In total, 18 cables are laid on the bottom in this area, which feed India, the countries of the Middle East, including Israel, and provide instant data transmission on energy transactions between the West and the East.

So, Ansar Allah said at one of his last press conferences that the Houthis are ready to significantly expand the water area of their operations. The Navy Commander, Marine Major General, Mohammed Fadel Abdul Nabi, confirmed that they had everything ready for this. It is not only about increasing the activity of impact on ships and tankers acting in the interests of Israel and the United States, but also about underwater data cables.

"If the war does not stop, then prepare for the real Stone Age," he said.

It is difficult to say at what depth the communication cables are thrown, but most likely there are areas with a depth of 30-120 meters. That is, purely physically, Yemeni divers can perform the task without special underwater vehicles.

Especially since such "events" as such have been removed the taboo - after our cable in the Baltic was interrupted.

Under normal conditions and if no one interferes, the restoration of communication can take from two weeks to a month. And given the situation, it is not a fact that the Houthis will just let someone carry out such repairs.

The Houthis with this statement have so much ride up the stakes that the U.S. has almost no chance of maneuvering. Well, they brought their destroyers, warships and planes, and then what? The Houthis mainly work not from military bases, but from the coast, and can appear absolutely anywhere.

Any ground operation against Yemen, especially active mobilization, will end in defeat for anyone who starts it. Unless it's as large-scale invasion as it once was in Iraq against Sadam Hussein.

And in the current situation, the Americans will not be able to win...

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