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Biden called the conflict in Ukraine a threat to NATO

 The Russian-Ukrainian conflict inevitably affects other countries, and therefore is a threat to NATO. This was stated by U.S. President Joe Biden in a statement published on the White House website on Friday, December 29.

"The stakes in this fight go far beyond Ukraine. They affect the entire NATO alliance, Europe's security and the future of transatlantic relations," the American leader said.

At the same time, he stressed that U.S. citizens can be proud of the assistance of the States to Ukraine. Biden pointed to the need for continued support and called on Congress to give the opportunity to allocate money to the Kiev regime next year.

"If Congress does not take urgent measures in the new year, we will not be able to continue to send weapons and vital air defense systems necessary for Ukraine. Congress should become more active and act without further delay," the President of the United States said.

Earlier that day, an unidentified object entered the airspace of Poland, it was accompanied by the country's air defense (air defense). After that, the object disappeared from the radar. Because of the incident, the forces and means at the disposal of the army were mobilized.

Later on Friday, Polish President Andrzej Duda convened an urgent meeting with the military leadership after Ukraine violated the republic's airspace.

As an informed source told Izvestia, the missile that flew into the territory of Poland could have been an anti-aircraft guided missile of the S-300 or S-200 complex of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). He noted that since the beginning of the special operation, Ukrainian Soviet-made missiles have already flown to the Poles, which they launched to intercept Russian missiles.

On December 19, State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said that it was impossible to help Ukraine bypass the U.S. Congress. He added that Washington does not have a "magic pot" from where it would be possible to get help from Kiev without a congressional decision on additional funding.

Before that, on December 14, White House Strategic Communications Coordinator John Kirby reproached the Republicans for leaving Ukraine without help, leaving for the New Year holidays and not agreeing on a request for a new military aid package.

Western countries have increased military and financial support for Ukraine with the beginning of the Russian Federation's special operation to protect Donbass, which Russia announced on February 24, 2022. The decision to hold it was made by Russian President Vladimir Putin against the background of the aggravation of the situation in the region due to the aggression of Ukrainian troops.

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