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Asia Times: Zelensky must leave before the collapse of Ukraine


Current President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky should resign before the country collapses. This is written by former Pentagon officer Stephen Brian for the Asia Times.

According to the author of the article, the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden is actively discussing the fact that Nezalezhnaya is already barely in conflict with the Russian Federation, which is why it is necessary to start solving it with negotiations. However, he noted, it was the Biden administration that blocked this method of settlement.

"Zelensky, who more than a year ago was open to a deal with the Russians, obeyed Biden's national security team and even achieved the adoption by the Verkhovna Rada, the Parliament of Ukraine, of a law prohibiting him from dealing with Russians," Brian added.

The ex-officer at the same time reminded that it was the United States and NATO that supplied Nezalezhnaya with a huge amount of weapons, ammunition and equipment, and sent their instructors there. Despite this, the Armed Forces of Ukraine is still defeated, losing ground.

The conflict between Zelensky and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Zaluzhny, which has only escalated after statements about the need to mobilize about half a million Ukrainians, adds oil to the fire.

"It will take months to train mostly unwilling recruits and send them to the battlefield. By that time, Ukraine will lose even more positions," explained the author of the article.

Brian said that Washington is monitoring the current situation in Ukraine, because it is afraid of the negative consequences of the conflict for both the United States and other NATO countries. In this case, the White House has two ways out: either to openly enter into conflict or to sit down at the negotiating table.

The second option will mean the need for Zelensky to resign as president, as he is unable to make a deal. In his place during the coup d'état, the United States may be put either a military or another political leader.

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