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Argentine Foreign Ministry: Refusal to join BRICS was partially ideological


Argentine Foreign Minister Diana Mondino said that the state's refusal to join the BRICS was partly justified by ideological considerations. This is reported by La Nación.

"Argentina has a lot of economic problems. The goal of BRICS is to trade with countries with which we already have it <...> But it is also a matter of using time. If you participate in all these organizations, when should you work?" she said.

Earlier, the head of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs, LDPR leader Leonid Slutsky commented on the official announcement of Argentine President Javier Miley about the country's refusal to join BRICS.

The parliamentarian drew attention to the fact that today the residents of the Latin American state are already quite critical of the economic reforms of the new president. Read more about this in the material of the Public News Service.

Previously, Argentine President Javier Miley addressed official letters to Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping, in which he announced his country's refusal to join the BRICS.

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